Linux Ip ve Network İşlemleri

DNS değştirme, sabit IP kullanmak gibi işlemlerin Linux üzerinde gerçekleştirilmesi

Linux Network İşlemleri

Ethernet Kartları ve Özelliklerinin Detaysız Tespiti

lspci -vv | grep Ethernet

 Ethernet Kartları ve Özelliklerinin Detaylı Tespiti

lspci -vv


Sistem Ipsi Hakkında Bilgi

ls /sys/class/net
# or
ip addr
# or
ip a


İp Ayarlarının Yapıldığı Dosyaya Girmek İçin

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

 /etc/network/interfaces içinde Normal Olması Gereken

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


Dinamik IP Vermek İçin 

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp

auto ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

 Static IP Vermek İçin

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Dinamic İp Örneği 

Linux Network İşlemleri

Static İP Örneği

Linux Network İşlemleri

Linux Network İşlemleri

  • auto eth0 – enable at startup the eth0 interface
  • iface eth0 inet static- consider that iface eth0 comes from interface eth0, inet tells you that the network configuration is IPv4 and static that your network interface has static ip adresses.
  • address – the network’s IP address
  • netmask – the network’s mask address
  • network – the network’s address
  • broadcast – the broadcast address
  • gateway – the gateway address

Manuel olarak yapılandırıyorsanız, bunun gibi bir şey varsayılan ağ geçidini ayarlayacaktır (network, broadcast ve gateway isteğe bağlıdır): 

auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static


Ddeğişikliğin etkili olması için networkingve resolvconf her ikisini de yeniden başlatın. Olmazsa, makineyi yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.

systemctl restart networking
systemctl restart resolvconf


Var Olan Network Arayüzleri (eth) Listesini Almak İçin

ip link show


netstat -i

  Biraz daha detaylı liste için

sudo ifconfig -a

Ethernet Kartını  Kapatmak ve Açmak İçin

ifup eth1
ifdown eth1
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 up


Ethernet Kartına IP Atamak İçin

ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast


 Bağlantıları Güncellemek

sudo /etc/init.d/networking start
sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart


 DNS Ayarlarının Yapıldığı Dosyaya Girmek İçin

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf


DNS Ayarlarını Değiştirmek

Do not edit this file by hand --your changes will be overwritten
# I add this

Bu ayarların her açtığınızda değişmemesi için:

chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
#Tekrar güncellenebilir hale getirmek için
#chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf

Şurada daha detaylı işlemler var.

Rout Tablosunu Göstermek

netstat - Display connections, routing tables, stats etc

Eğer netstat sisteminizde yoksa yüklemek için: 

apt-get install net-tools


  • List externally connected processes: netstat -punta
    • -a: Show both listening and non-listening sockets.
    • -p: Show PID of process owning socket
    • -u: Show UDP
    • -t: Show TCP
    • -n: Show IP addresses only. Don't resolve host names
    • -g: Show multi-cast group membership info
    • -c: Continuous mode - update info every second
    • -v: Verbose
    • -e: Extended information
    • -o: show network timer information
  • List all connected processes: netstat -nap
  • Show network statistics: netstat -s
  • Display routing table info: netstat -rn

Linux Network İşlemleri 

Bir başka komut

route -n

Display interface statistics: netstat -i

Linux Network İşlemleri

Ağdaki Tüm IP Listesini Almak:

Bu işlem aynı zamanda çakışan ip adreslerinide gösterir.

arp-scan -I eth0 -l

Bir IP üzerindeki Açık Portları bulmak için şuraya bakabilirsiniz.

Konfigrasyon Komutları Listesi

packages popcon size type description
ifupdown V:627, I:995 217 config::ifupdown standardized tool to bring up and down the network (Debian specific)
ifplugd V:4, I:21 209 , , manage the wired network automatically
ifupdown-extra V:0, I:1 100 , , network testing script to enhance "ifupdown" package
ifmetric V:0, I:1 37 , , set routing metrics for a network interface
guessnet V:0, I:0 422 , , mapping script to enhance "ifupdown" package via "/etc/network/interfaces" file
ifscheme V:0, I:0 58 , , mapping scripts to enhance "ifupdown" package
network-manager V:380, I:471 11584 config::NM NetworkManager (daemon): manage the network automatically
network-manager-gnome V:159, I:408 5921 , , NetworkManager (GNOME frontend)
wicd I:31 35 config::wicd wired and wireless network manager (metapackage)
wicd-cli V:0, I:1 59 , , wired and wireless network manager (command-line client)
wicd-curses V:0, I:4 175 , , wired and wireless network manager (Curses client)
wicd-daemon V:26, I:35 962 , , wired and wireless network manager (daemon)
wicd-gtk V:21, I:33 574 , , wired and wireless network manager (GTK+ client)
iptables V:270, I:995 2569 config::Netfilter administration tools for packet filtering and NAT (Netfilter)
iproute2 V:671, I:871 2585 config::iproute2 iproute2, IPv6 and other advanced network configuration: ip(8), tc(8), etc
ifrename V:1, I:2 125 , , rename network interfaces based on various static criteria: ifrename(8)
ethtool V:110, I:259 393 , , display or change Ethernet device settings
iputils-ping V:254, I:996 100 test::iproute2 test network reachability of a remote host by hostname or IP address (iproute2)
iputils-arping V:26, I:392 51 , , test network reachability of a remote host specified by the ARP address
iputils-tracepath V:5, I:102 68 , , trace the network path to a remote host
net-tools V:299, I:744 979 config::net-tools NET-3 networking toolkit (net-tools, IPv4 network configuration): ifconfig(8) etc.
inetutils-ping V:0, I:2 350 test::net-tools test network reachability of a remote host by hostname or IP address (legacy, GNU)
arping V:1, I:28 73 , , test network reachability of a remote host specified by the ARP address (legacy)
traceroute V:63, I:960 154 , , trace the network path to a remote host (legacy, console)
isc-dhcp-client V:255, I:973 673 config::low-level DHCP client
wpasupplicant V:310, I:539 3352 , , client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)
wpagui V:0, I:3 786 , , Qt GUI client for wpa_supplicant
wireless-tools V:192, I:274 297 , , tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
ppp V:264, I:510 1020 , , PPP/PPPoE connection with chat
pppoeconf V:0, I:9 290 config::helper configuration helper for PPPoE connection
pppconfig V:1, I:2 805 , , configuration helper for PPP connection with chat
wvdial V:0, I:6 249 , , configuration helper for PPP connection with wvdial and ppp
mtr-tiny V:6, I:55 152 test::low-level trace the network path to a remote host (curses)
mtr V:5, I:40 206 , , trace the network path to a remote host (curses and GTK+)
gnome-nettool V:3, I:91 2105 , , tools for common network information operations (GNOME)
nmap V:36, I:292 4510 , , network mapper / port scanner (Nmap, console)
zenmap V:4, I:12 2939 , , network mapper / port scanner (GTK+)
tcpdump V:21, I:200 1192 , , network traffic analyzer (Tcpdump, console)
wireshark I:61 69 , , network traffic analyzer (Wireshark, GTK+)
tshark V:3, I:35 398 , , network traffic analyzer (console)
tcptrace V:0, I:1 392 , , produce a summarization of the connections from tcpdump output
snort V:0, I:1 1920 , , flexible network intrusion detection system (Snort)
ntopng V:1, I:2 950 , , display network usage in web browser
dnsutils V:71, I:591 719 , , network clients provided with BIND: nslookup(8), nsupdate(8), dig(8)
dlint V:0, I:12 53 , , check DNS zone information using nameserver lookups
dnstracer V:0, I:2 56 , , trace a chain of DNS servers to the source




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